Advantages Of Implementing Telemedicine During The New Normal

The situation facing us right now is ideal for detecting new opportunities. Where appropriate, as a health professional, it is an excellent time to find alternatives that allow you to continue safely carrying out one of the essential tasks that exist: help your patients.

Therefore, offering an online consultation service can make a difference and become the perfect alternative to prevent new outbreaks. Thanks to telemedicine, it is possible to continue visiting your patients remotely, promoting social distancing, and protecting both the health of your patients and that of your team without having to rely much on physical visits and medical cleaning (usually done with medical cleaning equipment).

Have you ever wondered how online consultations can help you, and what benefits do they bring you? We will tell you below.

Advantages Of Offering Medical Video Consultation

  1. Protects The Health Of Patients And Healthcare Personnel

In the current situation, avoiding sprouts is paramount. Through a video consultation, both the patient and the doctor will be able to maintain social distancing. Beyond the health crisis, medical video consultation allows exposure to viruses or microbes to be reduced, preventing the spread of other patients, as would happen, for example, in a waiting room of a center or a medical consultation. This is especially important, for instance, in immunosuppressed patients.

  1. Visit Can Be Made From Anywhere

Both you or your team and the patients can access the virtual medical appointment from a device with an Internet connection: desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile. This means that the appointment can be made from anywhere! Your patient will be able to visit with you from home, on the street, and even while on vacation.

  1. Prevents Self-Diagnosis

In general, being more accessible to the patient and facilitating online consultation with the doctor prevent patients from seeking a diagnosis of their symptoms through less adequate channels, avoiding self-diagnosis and self-medication.

You better than anyone know the consequences that a wrong self-diagnosis can have for your patients’ health. Thanks to online consultations, you can help reduce misdiagnoses and help your patient be better informed about their health.

  1. Build Patient Loyalty

As consumers that we are, we are more and more used to obtaining all kinds of services through the Internet: hotel reservations, restaurant reservations, weekly purchase can also be made online and, as a patient, to be able to have access to a doctor from home is a factor that makes a difference.

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